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2023-06-14 13:47:14 互联网 教育




1. 其他的人或物


- I have two children. One is a doctor, and the other is a lawyer.

- I don't like this shirt. Do you have any other colors?

2. 以其他方式


- He didn't answer my question directly. Instead, he talked about other things.

- I can't explain it in words. You have to experience it in other ways.

3. 另一边


- The store is on the other side of the street.

- I saw a beautiful flower on the other side of the river.



1. 其余的人或物

- Her oldest son is a doctor, and the other children are serving in the military.

- I have three books. One is about history, and the other two are about science.

2. 指两个人或事物中的第二个


- John is a teacher, and the other is a doctor.

- I have two sisters. One is older, and the other is younger.



1. 除了


- Other than English, what other languages do you speak?

- I don't have any hobbies other than reading.

2. 不同于


- This dress is different from all the other dresses I've tried on.

- The new model of the car is faster than the other one.

3. 另外


- Do you have any other questions?

- I need to buy some other things at the store.



1. 彼此,互相


- They looked at each other and smiled.

- The two countries have been trading with each other for decades.

2. hand另一方面

"on the other hand"是一个常用的短语,表示与之前提到的事物相反的情况。例如:

- I don't like coffee. On the other hand, I love tea.

- The first method is faster, but on the other hand, it's less accurate.



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