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2024-08-13 19:38:07 互联网 知识


英语读书笔记 篇一

Shakspere (wrong spelling) created Hamlet--a man with wisdom and courage 。In order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father he pretented (spelling mistake) to be mad and suffered a series of misery. On the contrary we can also say that Hamlet is rude and selfish for he did not think twice before his revenge 。

if (Capitalize "If" since it is the beginning word of the sentence.) a country has no king how can a country keep alive (You need a question mark here since it is a question.) So every thing has two sides the bright side and adumbral side.

Every time we make a decision we have to think twice. Comment:Be careful with your spelling grammar and punctuation. Too many uncessary mistakes. It is good that you looked at both the dark and bright sides of Hamlet. Thats quite objective and convincing.

英语读书笔记 篇二

Today I have read Helen Keller’s “Three Days to See”。I have read this article in the chinese teaching material when I was in high school.This article impressed me.It told me how lucky we are.We should aprrecaite that we are healthy.Healthiness is riches.So today I read this article again.Whenever I read this article,compare with Helen Keller,I think we should treasure our life,god has given us sight so we can see a lot of good things,so we can know how beautiful this world is,so we can know how wonderful we can live in our coloreful life.

Helen Keller,blind and deaf from infancy.Stricken with a serious illness at the age of nineteen months,Keller survived from the illness but was left permanently unable to see and hear.In this article,three day of sight,we can see,how precious it was as for Helen Keller.What would you want to look at if you had only three days of sight?Helen gives her answer in this famous essay.I always think that people can realize the importance of the sight and sound only after they have personally expericenced the dark and silence life.Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight,silence would teach him the joys of sound.

This short story tell people how Keller take advantage of having the privileges to see,hear,and speak.Some people,unfortunately,are blind,deaf,and mute.These unfortunate people take more time to appreciate life and they are always waiting for the miracle all their life.The author,Helen Keller,is one of such person who is blind,deaf,and mute.She strongly believes that people,who are fortunate to have such senses,take life for granted.She also strongly believes these people should live in the fullest,meaning,accomplish lifes when they can do this today,do not leave it for tomorrow.

One can die at any moment,no matter how healthy or in what physical shape he is.As for this,Helen came across many instances.She had asked her friend what she had seen after taking a walk through the woods,and her friend replied,“Nothing in particular.” Her friend gave she this answer,because her friend become accustomed to see the routine of their surroundings,and her eyes only can be attracted by startling and spectacular things.I think if we only have sight for 3 days we will give another answer.

I appreciate Hellen Keller.Her life is a miracle,she stronly face the difficulties which can detroy one’s mind of living.Her life is a tragedy,but the world in her heart is full of love.Her spirit will encourage all of us,forever.

英语读书笔记 篇三

The monkey king was born. This time, it describes the experience of Monkey Kings birth and struggling to learn his skills. It shows Monkey Kings rebellious character and simple sense of justice. It can be said that it has laid the groundwork for Sun Wukong to subdue demons and eliminate demons in the future.

An ancient fairy tale, but it has attracted the love of children, that is journey to the West. When I was a child, I just watched cartoons and picture books. But now, I not only see and read, but also learn to think.

Monk Tang, Monkey King, pig Bajie and monk Sha in journey to the West are well known. Among them, my favorite is the monkey king! Because he is always smart, helpful, able to distinguish between good and bad people to protect Tang Monk and his brothers. Like our current peoples police, he has golden eyes, catches bad people, saves good people, and always guards us. Maybe because Tang monk doesnt use his mind when he is in trouble and blindly accepts the help of others, sometimes he doesnt listen to the good advice of Sun Wukong and falls into the hands of monsters. This is enough to show that we should use our brains when we are in trouble. If we dont use our brains and listen to other peoples bad opinions, it will be worse. However, I also think Tang monk is too kind, even if he treats bad people very well, because he only looks at the surface and doesnt understand the essence of people.

I also like pig Bajie very much. I think he is a simple but lovely person. He wont come up with some good methods, but he has a sense of justice. As long as he wants to do something, he will do it. He will be desperate to protect the masters safety, regardless of his own safety. He seems a little stupid, but people think he is stupid and cute. We should learn from him that he is not afraid of the enemy. However, some things should be carefully considered before doing, and what can be done and what can not be done should be done according to their own strength.

In short, each of the four masters and disciples has strengths and weaknesses. It is the so-called "three people walk, there must be my teacher." we should learn from their strengths, even if they have weaknesses, we must see if they also have them. If so, we should try to correct them and become a complete person!

英语阅读读书笔记 篇四

Recently, I read the book "Peterpan" and I was deeply attracted by the plot of the book. This is the idea of the book:Darin's three children, Wendy, John, and Mike, followed Peter to a fantastic and fantastic island. There, they were brave, smart, and United, and conquered the difficulties again and again. I envy them, they all fly and fly to where they want to go. What makes me more envious is that Peter will never grow up and live a carefree childhood.

This book tells us to cherish the childhood, and to cherish the friendship between students, because the strength of friendship is strong.

英语读书笔记 篇五


This winter vacation, I read a book called wild windmill. I was deeply moved. There were bend bridge adopted by Liu Si, clever red fan, Granny Yinqiao who likes to help cry, ah Chu who likes to play tricks and bully everyone. Later, Niu Niu, who learned how to swim, was put in prison to help people, but was regarded as a cheaters Bay. Ya Jie, whose parents and younger brother died, and her father were one Green dog cutting grass.。. So many stories, eyes full of tears.


In this book, everyone has a quality, everyone has a quality, that is love.

英语读书笔记 篇六

I read a book called childhood, which is one of the golgi stories. The book is very moving. It tells the story of gorky, who died in childhood, and lived a painful life.

Gorky is a very sensible child, saw someone brutality, stingy, he hates all this, learn the integrity, diligence, selflessness, courage, make him since childhood know hate oppression, hate exploitation, sympathy for the laborers suffer gradually constitute his strong to the excellent quality of the old world.

I want to learn from gorky, learn his excellent qualities, learn from golgi's childhood, collect and sell money, and use it for home. The students laughed at him, and the priest thought he was poor, but gorky was deeply moved by his tireless spirit. He got two prizes and a diploma.

英语读书笔记 篇七

Before I search on the internet, I really can not understand what the meaning about this story.It began in a little black and gray,it described a person looked like a elephant and was treated unequally. People around him always hated him,including his mom,she abandoned him when he was very young. His appearance looked terrible for everyone. And the first time when doctor saw him,all of him was filled with depressed and sadness. People around him all laughed at him,even more threw stones to him. Because of his terrific appearance,he was caught by the police,blamed by the neighboring,hated by the children,refused by the women. He can write and sing,but nobody hired him. Although through the doctor’s help,he become more happier than before and he can also chatted with others and had fun with others. What’s more,the Queen Alexandra,the queen of England came to see and talked with him.

Things always go well? Not,I think the dead of the elephant man is really a ridiculous thing,he died just because of trying to sleep on his back like you and me. However,his heavy head came off the bed,and he broke his neck. So,why the author choose this way to end the

elephant’s beginning wonderful life? Why does he cut the beautiful connection between elephant and others? And this reminded me of the appearance of the elephant man. The book said that his mom was a beauty and a kind people,however,why his mom indeed to abandon him,just because of his really hateful face? Personally,I have another idea:he must do something really wrong and even his mom cannot forgive him. There is a question that why the author wanted him to have half body of elephant and a half body of human. At first,I thought he would be some loved and took good care of him. However,the result give me a lot of lessons. The whole life the elephant has is a trike,and all the happy time is the illusion he dreamed. Maybe the story want to tell us you should not to dream the things what not belong to you.

But I was quite confused the reason why the author written it.So I searched on the Internet,there is something about:”hundreds year ago the world was very people live without electricity in the clod,damp environment.They never go to the hospital,often died miserable. This book tells of a

poor,ugly story.”And this is the background. Do you understand ? I do not.


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