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2023-06-17 14:24:23 互联网 知识





1 make a decision - 做决定

例如:I finally made the decision to quit my job.

2 make an effort - 努力尝试

例如:I'm making an effort to eat healthier.

3 make a mistake - 犯错误

例如:I made a mistake on the test.

4 make a suggestion - 提出建议

例如:Can I make a suggestion?

5 make a difference - 产生影响

例如:Your donation can make a difference in someone's life.

6 make progress - 取得进展

例如:I'm happy to report that we're making progress on the project.


1 take a break - 休息一下

例如:I need to take a break from studying.

2 take a chance - 冒险尝试

例如:I decided to take a chance and apply for the job.

3 take a look - 看一看

例如:Can you take a look at this document for me?

4 take a test - 参加考试

例如:I'm nervous about taking the test tomorrow.

5 take a trip - 去旅行

例如:We're planning to take a trip to Europe next summer.

6 take advantage of - 利用

例如:I'm going to take advantage of the sale and buy some new clothes.


1 do a favor - 帮个忙

例如:Can you do me a favor and pick up some milk on your way home?

2 do a good job - 做得好

例如:You did a really good job on that project.

3 do business - 做生意

例如:My company does business with clients all over the world.

4 do homework - 做作业

例如:I have to do my homework before I can go out and play.

5 do research - 做研究

例如:I'm doing research for my thesis.

6 do the dishes - 洗碗

例如:I'll do the dishes if you cook dinner.


1 get a job - 找工作

例如:I'm hoping to get a job in the marketing field.

2 get a promotion - 升职

例如:I worked hard and finally got a promotion.

3 get a raise - 加薪

例如:I'm going to ask my boss for a raise next week.

4 get a ticket - 收到罚单

例如:I got a ticket for parking in the wrong spot.

5 get a degree - 获得学位

例如:I'm going to college to get a degree in engineering.

6 get a haircut - 剪头发

例如:I need to get a haircut before my job interview.





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