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2023-06-16 08:02:15 互联网 教育




1. 开始某个过程或行动:Begin最常见的用法是表示开始某个过程或行动,它可以作为及物动词或不及物动词使用。


- We will begin the meeting at 2 pm.(我们将在下午2点开始会议。)

- The concert will begin soon.(音乐会即将开始。)

2. 开始存在或出现:Begin还可以表示某个事物的开始存在或出现。

- The problem began with a simple misunderstanding.(问题始于一个简单的误解。)

- The tradition began many years ago.(这个传统开始于很多年前。)

3. 开始思考或感受某种心理状态:Begin还可以表示开始思考或感受某种心理状态。

- I began to feel nervous as the interview approached.(面试临近时,我开始感到紧张。)

- She began to think that maybe she had made a mistake.(她开始觉得也许自己犯了一个错误。)


1. Begin with:以……开始

- Let's begin with a warm-up exercise.(让我们以一个热身运动开始。)

- The book begins with a description of the main character.(这本书以主人公的描述开始。)

2. Begin to:开始做某事

- I began to study for the exam last week.(上周我开始为考试学习。)

- The company began to implement new policies.(公司开始实施新政策。)

3. Begin with a bang:以轰动效应开始

- The concert began with a bang, with fireworks and a laser show.(音乐会以烟花和激光秀的轰动效应开始。)

4. Begin anew:重新开始

- After the failure, he decided to begin anew.(失败后,他决定重新开始。)

- Let's put the past behind us and begin anew.(让我们把过去抛在身后,重新开始。)

5. Begin from scratch:从零开始

- The project failed, so we had to begin from scratch.(这个项目失败了,所以我们不得不从零开始。)

- He had to learn everything again, starting from scratch.(他不得不重新学习一切,从零开始。)



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