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2023-06-08 16:30:30 互联网 教育




1. Advantageous(有利的)

例如:It is advantageous for young people to study abroad.

2. Appropriate(合适的)

例如:It is appropriate to wear formal clothes to a job interview.

3. Essential(必要的)

例如:Safety education is essential for children.

4. Adequate(足够的)

例如:The salary offered by the company is adequate for me.

5. Complicated(复杂的)

例如:The tax system in this country is very complicated.

6. Diverse(多样的)

例如:The cultural background of the students in this class is very diverse.

7. Significant(重要的)

例如:The discovery of penicillin was a significant contribution to medical science.

8. Controversial(有争议的)

例如:The topic of animal testing is controversial.

9. Devastating(毁灭性的)

例如:The earthquake had a devastating effect on the city.

10. Promising(有前途的)

例如:The new product has promising sales potential.


1. In my opinion(我认为)

例如:In my opinion, studying abroad can broaden one's horizons.

2. From my perspective(从我的角度来看)

例如:From my perspective, the government should invest more in environmental protection.

3. It is widely believed that(普遍认为)

例如:It is widely believed that learning a foreign language is beneficial.

4. It goes without saying that(不言而喻)

例如:It goes without saying that health is more important than wealth.

5. On the one hand, on the other hand(一方面,另一方面)

例如:On the one hand, technology has improved our lives. On the other hand, it has also created new problems.

6. It is undeniable that(不可否认的是)

例如:It is undeniable that social media has changed the way we communicate.

7. To sum up(总的来说)

例如:To sum up, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.



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