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2024-08-15 12:41:45 互联网 知识


考研英语作文预测参考 篇一



The 21st century has begun. What changes doyou think this new century will bring? Useexamples and details in your answer.

Model Essay(范文):

Now that we are in a new millennium, we can assume there will be changes in the world. Ipredict that the changes will be in the areas of information dissemination, global alliances, andfamily structure.

In the past decades, the computer was responsible for changing the way information wasorganized. Now, the computer plus the Internet is changing the way information is spread.Information will now be universally available to anyone with a computer. You will not have to goto libraries to do research; you will not have to travel to visit scholars; you will not have to goto a bookstore to buy a book. You can do all of this from your home on the computer.

In the past decades, the nations of the world aligned themselves with the United States, theformer Soviet Union, or with one another in a loose alliance. In the future these alliances will bemore fluid. Some countries will align politically with one country, but economically with another.Some countries will share technology and other information, but will not trade together. Somecountries, which have long been enemies, will align militarily for regional security.

The family structure will not be based on a mother/father/child pattern. Single parent familieswill be more common and often the child will not be a biological child of the single parent, but willbe adopted. Other family structures like domestic partnerships will become more accepted.

Whatever the changes may be, whether in the way we receive information, the way nationsalign with one another, or the way family units are defined, you can be sure that there will bemore change. Change is a constant.

考研英语作文押题 篇二

Vividly depicted in the cartoon is a race of humans on a social network that are isolated in their own little cubicles. They are all sitting in front of their computers, connected to each other through the Internet and their devoted looks and postures showed their addiction to the Internet.

This cartoon, I believe, intends to draw our attentions to the negative effects the Internet has brought to our daily life as it brings in some benefits, such as easy access to information, instant communication with people from afar and cheap cost of communication. The more people are hooked to the Net, the more isolated they are from the real world. Since people can easily pretend their identities on the Internet, everything online becomes illusive and untrustworthy. The Internet, which was intended to bring people closer to each other, in effect prevents people from making real acquaintances that one can make with a casual exchange of greetings and eye-contact in a face-to-face communication.

Serious consequences, such as fear of real-time interactions, online cheating or blackmailing, may follow if the use of the Internet is not brought under systematic control. I strongly suggest that people only use the Internet for necessary business transactions and personal contacts with those they have already known face to face.

大学英语作文 篇三



1. 环境破坏 environmental contamination

Causes and harms:

First and foremost, quite a few people Obtain Enormous Economic Benefits at the expense of our living environments. They put the economic interests in the first place while overlook the negative impact of environmental destruction. Secondly, industrial production has also caused severe damage and contamination to the environment.

Environment destruction/contamination is a problem that can't be neglected: The contaminated air may damage people's health; the polluted water could poison creatures living in the water; soil contamination ,resulting from the over use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, is anther major hazard to people's health. (91 words)


On the one hand, the authorities should make and implement relevant laws and regulations to impose a heavy penalty on those who destroy and contaminate the environment deliberately. On the other hand, factories should act to reduce the emission of pollutants by using purification systems. Last but not least, we, as individual earth citizens, should take practical actions, such as using cloth bags, reducing the use of vehicles and so on. Only in this way can we live in a better world. (86 words)


Our living environment and some natural resources are being destroyed in the blind pursuit of GDP increase. At present, the ecology of our planet can hardly support the continuous expansion of heavy-polluting , high-consuming and low-profit production pattern. What's more, it is quite necessary that we have an objective understanding of the relationship between GDP increase and the ecological environment. The GDP increase which is achieved at the expense of human living environment and destroying our valuable natural resources (some of the resources are nonrenewable) is meaningless at all. To sum up, the blind craze for GDP increase must be stopped.(101 words)



Firstly,the ever-increasing population is a leading cause of water shortage. As populations increase, the demand for water grows accordingly.

secondly, people everywhere waste water without even realizing it: showers last too long, taps are left running and so forth.

Last but not least, the industrial production will cause water contamination and it will also decrease the existing water resources further more.

How :

In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. For one thing, it is essential that laws and regulations be worked out and enforced impose a heavy penalty on those who waste or contaminate waster deliberately . Secondly, a large-scale education campaign should be launched to inform the public of the significance of economizing on water. With these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that this problem can be perfectly solved in the near future .


water shortage is still a serious problem threatening the existence and survival of the whole human being, and yet the phenomenon of wasting water can still easily be found anywhere in our daily life. For example, water taps are frequently left on by careless users. Someone even assumes that they have the right to waste water because they pay for it so that it has nothing to do with others. In fact, so precious is water that we cannot afford to waste it. Water resource is indispensable not only in our daily life but also in the industry and agriculture. And water is the wealth of the whole mankind, and it is hard to imagine what the world would be like when there is no more water.

Even though an increasing number of people have become aware of this emergency, further measures still need to be taken. On the macro level, the whole world should make a joint effort to fight against waste of water. On the micro level, publicizing activities, such as broadcasting wonderful ways on how to save water on TV and other media, should be conducted. To store water means to store happiness and only by saving water can we save a better life for our offspring.

考研英语作文押题 篇四

World Pupulation Control With its outstanding achievements in halting the population explo- sion, China won high praise from United Nations experts.

China has had the most successful family planning policy in the history of man- kind in terms of quantity, and with that China has done mankind a fa- vor. Having made such a great contribution to mankind, China de- serves the honor.

In November 1999, our planet received its 6 billionth baby. But the day might have come at least three years ago if China had not im- plemented its family planning policy. Un figures indicate 12 that the world population has doubled in the past 40 years, and 1 billion were added in the past 12 years, the shortest amount of time ever to witness a billion births. The expanding population is imposing heavy pressure on the en- vironment and resources. It has also caused continuing poverty in fast growing areas.

Curbing the rapid population growth is a tough task the whole world is facing, not just one or two countries. With a reslSonsible attitude towards its people and the world, Chi- na was among the earliest to input great manpower and money in car- rying out a family planning policy. A wordwide population stabiliztion scheme would cost some US $ 17 billion each year.

The rich coun- tries, however, are falling short in meeting the financial 13 promises made at the Cairo Population Conference in 1994, leaving most of the population stabilization cost with the poorer nations.

大学英语作文 篇五



This winter vacation, the streets should be bustling, because the new hateful coronavirus to provoke people panic.


Because of this disease, everyone can only hold back at home. Children can't go out to play, young people can't go out to make money, old people can't go out for a walk. All day long, I stayed at home. Except for a few cars on the road, I was dead.


Recently, our elevator was cleaned by coronavirus. Up to now, the elevator is filled with the smell of 84 disinfectant, and there is a package of paper on the wall. Can't it express the harm of the disease?


Wuhan is the most dangerous city, because Wuhan has the largest number of people suffering from the disease, and the whole city has been closed. Before the disease, Wuhan used to be a dream city for many people; now, people outside don't want to go to Wuhan, but people inside think of Wuhan.


The beds of hospitals in Wuhan are not enough for patients. Doctors from famous hospitals all over the country are rushing to Wuhan. If all professionals are at home in peace. The doctors are different. They are always risking their lives to treat patients. Like soldiers on the battlefield, they are always taken away by the God of death.


Because in 2003 there was a disease called SARS, plus the new coronavirus. Many people think that the main culprit is civet cat, but in fact, it is not. After research, it is found that civet cat is also one of the victims. SARS is because the chrysanthemum head bat is passed on to civet cat, and civet cat is passed on to us.


But is it strange that they are animals? No, it's our humanity. Although it must have something to do with animals, would it be today if it wasn't for our greedy mouth?


SARS was cured 17 years ago because of eating wild animals. "Forget the pain after the scar." Today's new coronavirus re - outbreak of the old disease, but also because of eating wild animals, and created today.


Hope to get rid of the virus as soon as possible and let the angels in white free as soon as possible.

考研英语作文大预测 篇六

Women Are More Stressful than Men

The debates between men and women are never out of date. When the society rapidly develops, the stress caused by it has led to a heated discussion that who is more stressful between men and women.


Some people hold the opinion that women are more stressful than men. The reasons are as follows. In modern society, women have held up half the sky. They have to try their best to keep balance between family and work since most people still think it is natural that women must take good care of family, even though they have a successful career outside. In addition, the disadvantage in strength and power makes it unfair for women to get the same opportunities of promoting, though they do the same job with men.

有些 理由如下。在现代社会中,女性举起了半边天。他们要尽力在家庭和工作之间保持平衡,因为大多数人仍然认为女性必须照顾好家人是理所当然的,即使她们在外有成功的职业。此外,力气和权利方便的劣势使得女性在获得同样的升职机会中处于不公平地位,尽管她们与男性做着同样的工作。

On the other hand, others hold the opposite views that men are more stressful. Firstly, men are always considered as the pillar of the world, so they must take the responsibilities of supporting the family and winning reputation in the society. They are under great pressure. Secondly, women are so fragile in most people's opinion that they can resort to men without any blame, but how men release their stress? Last but not least, we can see many organizations aimed at protecting women, but where are men's shelters?

另一方面,其他人持相反的观� 首先,男性一直被认为是世界的支柱,所以他们必须为家庭负责任,也要在社会赢得声誉。他们面临了很大的压力。其次,在大多数人的眼里女性是很娇弱的,所以她们可以向男性求助而不用受到责备,但是男性如何释放他们的压力呢?最后但并非最不重要的,我们可以看到许多机构旨以保护妇� 事实上,女性有着越来越多的权利,但任何事情都是有代价的。更多权利的后果是更多的职责。人们对女性已经很严格了。我们的社会要求女性是一个好妻子,无条件支持她们的丈夫是她们必须的责任。有着这么多的期望和责任,如果一个女人想要成功,她得付出多少努力,承受多大的压力?总而言之,我认为女性比男性压力更大。

考研英语作文预测 篇七


This winter vacation, the streets should be bustling, because the new hateful coronavirus to provoke people panic.


Because of this disease, everyone can only hold back at home. Children can't go out to play, young people can't go out to make money, old people can't go out for a walk. All day long, I stayed at home. Except for a few cars on the road, I was dead.


Recently, our elevator was cleaned by coronavirus. Up to now, the elevator is filled with the smell of 84 disinfectant, and there is a package of paper on the wall. Can't it express the harm of the disease?


Wuhan is the most dangerous city, because Wuhan has the largest number of people suffering from the disease, and the whole city has been closed. Before the disease, Wuhan used to be a dream city for many people; now, people outside don't want to go to Wuhan, but people inside think of Wuhan.


The beds of hospitals in Wuhan are not enough for patients. Doctors from famous hospitals all over the country are rushing to Wuhan. If all professionals are at home in peace. The doctors are different. They are always risking their lives to treat patients. Like soldiers on the battlefield, they are always taken away by the God of death.


Because in there was a disease called SARS, plus the new coronavirus. Many people think that the main culprit is civet cat, but in fact, it is not. After research, it is found that civet cat is also one of the victims. SARS is because the chrysanthemum head bat is passed on to civet cat, and civet cat is passed on to us.


But is it strange that they are animals? No, it's our humanity. Although it must have something to do with animals, would it be today if it wasn't for our greedy mouth?


SARS was cured 17 years ago because of eating wild animals. “Forget the pain after the scar.” Today's new coronavirus re - outbreak of the old disease, but also because of eating wild animals, and created today.


Hope to get rid of the virus as soon as possible and let the angels in white free as soon as possible.


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