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taylor swift演唱会2023(ronan taylor)

2023-08-14 02:37:13 互联网 知识
导读 大家好,我是小百,我来为大家解答以上问题。taylor swift演唱会2023,ronan taylor很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Ronan-T...

大家好,我是小百,我来为大家解答以上问题。taylor swift演唱会2023,ronan taylor很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、Ronan-Taylor Swift I remember your barefeet down the hallway,   我忘不了你光着脚在走廊上奔跑   I remember your little laugh   我忘不了你浅浅的笑容   Race cars on the kitchen floor   plastic dinosaurs   我厨房的地上玩着你最爱的赛车和玩具恐龙   I love you to the moon and back   我对你的爱宛如往返月球那样的长涟   I remember your blue eyes   我忘不了你蓝色的眼眸   looking into mine   与我的眼睛对视   like we had our own secret club   就像在我们自己的秘密基地   I remember you dancing before bedtime   我忘不了你爱在睡觉前跳舞   then jumping on me waking me up   蹦跳到我的身上唤醒沉睡的我   I can still feel you hold my hand   我仍然能感觉你握着我手的温度   little man, and even the moment I knew   那一刻,你是乎是个小男人   you fought it hard like an army guy   你就像一个英勇打仗的士兵   Remember I leaned in and whispered to you   记得,我凑近你的耳朵轻声对你说   come on baby with me, we’re gonna fly away from here   宝贝。

2、让我们远离这个另你伤心的世界   you were my best four years   你带给我无法取代的四年   I remember the drive home when the blind hope turned to crying and screaming why   我忘不了驱车回家时,当已经渺茫的希望化作了撕心裂肺的哭喊声:为什么会这样?   flowers pile up in the worst way   鲜花在这个灰色的地球上显得刺眼   no one knows what to say about a beautiful boy who died   没有人知道是这个死去的漂亮男孩说些什么好   and it’s about to be Halloween you could be anything you wanted if you were still here   如果万圣节你还在我身边,你会得到你想要的一切   I remember the last day when I kissed your face and whispered in your ear   我忘不了我亲吻你的脸庞。

3、在你耳边轻声细语的那天   Come on baby with me, we’re gonna fly away from here   跟我走吧,让我们远离这个尘世   out of this curtained room and this hospital gray will just disappear   远离这个窗帘落下的房间,身后的灰色的医院正在消失   come on baby with me, we’re gonna fly away from here   跟我来吧。

4、让我们远离这个尘世   you were my best four years   你给了我无法取代的四年   What if I’m standing in your closet trying to talk to you   如果我可以呆在你身边和你说话   What if I kept the hand-me-downs you won’t grow into   如果我留下你再也无法穿上的衣服   And what if I really thought some miracle would see us through   是不是可以让奇迹发生   What if the miracle was even getting one moment with you   就算这个奇迹只是一瞬间   Come on baby with me, we’re gonna fly away from here   跟我来吧,让我们一起飞过这个尘世   Come on baby with me, we’re gonna fly away from here   跟我来吧,让我们一起飞过这个尘世   You were my best four years   你给了我无法取代的四年   I remember your barefeet down the hallway   我忘不了你光着脚丫在走廊上奔跑   I love you to the moon and back.   我对你的爱像到往返月球那样长涟。



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