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2023-03-16 10:31:33 互联网 热点


1.The operation was performed in a famous hospital.My grandfather’s hearing improved.〓> My grandfather’s operation was performed in a famous hospital and his hearing improved.2.When I went on a tour round China,I saw many historical sites.It was very exciting.〓> I saw many historical sites when I went on a tour round China which was very exciting.。


1.Where do they stop on the way?I asked._ I asked_where they stopped on the way?__ 调整语序,时态2.What will you speak at the meeting?Could you tell me?_Could you tell me_what you would speak at the meeting_____同上_3.Do they like to make friends with us?He asked.__He asked_if/whether they liked to make friends with us(them)_加“是否”_调整时态,最后那个空可改可不改_4.“Is he doing his homework?” Jim asked._Jim asked _if/whether _he was doing his homework________同上5.“ I am doing my homework.” He said._He said_he was doing his homework____时态,人称______6.“I will come back.” Tom said._Tom said he would come(go) back__时态,人称_7.“When will he come back?” Tom asked._Tom asked_When he would come back___语序,时态_______。


1.My grandfather told us many stories that / which are very interesting.2.We paid a visit to their new house that / which was built last year.3.The house whose gate faces south belongs to the Greens. 4.Who is the boy who is sitting in the center of the first row ?5.Will you date the girl who you met last week.6.The truck that / which we bought last week went wrong. 7.Many people get angry with the dog who barks loudly every night.8.Do you know the name of the girl who suffers from heart problems?。


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