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2023-03-15 03:03:08 互联网 百科

1. 英语翻译和合并句子

1. He picked up the biggest apple.

2. He whispered to his father,” I’ll give it to mom.”


He picked up the biggest apple and then whispered to his father,” I’ll give it to mom.”

3. Due to the thunderstroms, the electricity of the whole county has been cut off, which affected the normal operations of many departments.

4. At school,the head-teachers all wore out to maintain the order.


Due to the thunderstroms, the electricity of the whole county has been cut off, which affected the normal operations of many departments, and particularly at school, in order to maintain the order, the head-teachers all wore out.

2. 英文句子合并并翻译成中文

1. The house where(in which) he lived need repiring.他住的房子需要修理

2.This was the time when there were slaves in USA .这个时代就是美国奴隶制存在的时代

3.Have you told her the reason why you didn’t go to her birthday party?你告诉她你为什么没去参加她生日派对的原因了吗?

4.I know her on the farm where we worked 2 years ago.我就是在我们两年前工作那农场上认识她的

5.The reason that you told me this morning is unbelievable.你早晨告诉我的那个原因简直难以置信。

6We won’t forget the day when we graduated from university. 我们不会忘记从大学毕业的那天。

3. 翻译下列句子.合并成5句的短文

At the age of seven, David had a dream. He wanted to fly in the sky. He made a paper plane. After he finished his homework, he played his paper plane. At the moment, a plane was flying in the sky. His father encouraged him to work hard and be a pilot. So he tried his best to study hard. Eighteen years later,he made his dream come true.


4. 汉译英的合并译法是什么呢


翻译汉语的多个分句时,注意分析各个分句之间的逻辑关系,确定好主从关系,采用恰当的方式进行连接。 如: 我们必须抓住新的机遇,迎接新的挑战,采取更加有力的措施,以更为积极地姿态扩大对外开放,力争对外贸易和吸收外资有新的增长。

译:We must seize new opportunities and meet new challenges。 We must open ourselves wider to the outside world more actively,and take more effective measures to expand foreign trade and absorb more foreign funds。


当然,这两个部分之间还存在着总和分的关系,前两句说得比较笼统,后三句说明了具体的措施和做法,英语句子体现具体信息的部分往往可以利用分词结构表达,所以本句还有一种译法:We must seize new opportunities and meet new challenges,opening ourselves wider to the outside world more actively,and taking more effective measures to expand foreign trade and absorb more foreign funds。

5. 英语两句合并为一句的例句,分析其结构,主谓和连词等


1. 简单句的五种形式:







②一些实义动词用作系动词:feel, taste, smell等;

2. 并列句:一个句子当中包含两个或更多互不相依存的主谓结构,中间用一些连接词连接起来的句子。



6. 英语将句子合并为含有定语从句的复合句刚学,还没做过题,所以不太


找出两句中有相同含义的名词或代词2。 把其中一句的名词或代词改为恰当的引导词。


1。 who came to see me yesterday。

The boy is Tom’s brother。(后一句代词改为名词)The boy who/that came to see me yesterday is Tom’s brother。

2。 The girl is from England。

whose mother is an English teacher。The girl whose mother is an English teacher is from England。

3。 who you met here yesterday。

The boy is my brother。The boy who/whom/that/不填 you met here yesterdayis my brother。

4。 The house is our home。

whose door is green。The house whose door is green is our home。

5。 I know the boy。

whom you gave a book toI know the boy who/whom/that/不填 you gave a book to。 I know the boy to whom you gave a book。


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