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2023-03-29 03:29:41 互联网 科技



I would say at times, it can be intimidating, but then it’s no good, ‘cause I can’t have a guy that is intimidated by me. I like men who are more aggressive but mysterious. But I like a man to be very sure. I like them to be sure of themselves, and know that you’re the man and I’m the lady. The only way for us to make this work is if we play our roles. You know, I can’t really be the man for you.


1. The only不要忘记元音之前the的读音,每次强调,但还是有人会忘记;

2. only读的时候o发/əʊ/,然后接鼻音/n/,不要读成/ɔ/;

3. for us里面for 可以轻读为类似fer的音,而for us的连读也要体现出来;

4. to make this work,其中to可以轻读成te的音,make需要把词尾的k吞音,this的s不要让声带震动,而work不要读成walk;

5. work is if小麦老师是连读的,但我个人认为在work之后断句比较好。当然,断句之后不要忘记is和if的词尾不能拖音;


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